Saturday, August 15, 2020

Recording Artist G.L.O.: REBORN For a Higher Purpose


by Cyrus Webb

It's been amazing watching recording artist G.L.O. (God's Love Only) thrive over the years, and with her new release REBORN I think there is a message there that all of us can get something from. I'm excited to share our new conversation together with our readers about her album, her mission and what it's like to walk in your God-given purpose. 

G.L.O., congratulations on the response to REBORN. What has it been like for you to see the way that people are responding to the message?
I’m truly grateful. I pray souls are being saved, and the Saints are encouraged. But one thing I’ve learned is not to be moved by the response or lack thereof, because man will have you question your call.

You have been using music as the vehicle to share a message of faith and hope for some time now. When did you realize that was going to be the vehicle you used to speak to the world?
In 1998 was when God started me in Music Ministry by giving me songs and lyrics. He hasn’t told me to stop, so I’m going to keep doing what He gave me.

It’s not easy to stand out front and express yourself the way you do. How did you get to a place where you could rely on God to just do it? 
Standing before the world can be scary, but standing before God is even scarier. When I was in the world, I gave my all. How much more should I give now that I’m walking in Truth? I rest in His Word. Phillippians 1:6 says 'Being confident of this: that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.'

The other thing that you have done is use social media to share messages of hope, reaching the world online. How has Facebook helped with that?
Facebook and other social media outlets are great tools to deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I’ve been able to reach people all over the world, people that I probably will never meet in person.

Going back to REBORN Jericho is one of my favorite tracks. In the world that we’re in now with so much uncertainty how does that song’s message give you hope?
Jericho remind me that everything is in God’s timing. No matter how hard life is at times we must continue to put our trust in Him. Not only during Covid-19, but each and every day we should trust Him. As we worship and praise Him for who He is, He will break down the walls of fear, anxiety and worry in our hearts.

What should our audience be on the lookout for from you next?
Right now, I have some brand new projects lined up, and as soon as this Covid-19 is lifted I’ll be headed back in the Studio.

Thanks again G.L.O. for the time and the great work you are doing. How can we stay connected with you? 
You can reach me at I can also be found at You can also purchase my music on Itunes, Spotify and Amazon Music. 

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